We are a private investment partnership that strives for the values of integrity, honesty and cooperation.

We build businesses and partner with companies and management teams that adhere to those values.

Our office is run and backed by seasoned professionals with a long-standing background of senior roles in private equity and investment banking.

We put our own money to work.


We support businesses in the small-cap to lower mid-cap space, with revenues of €5-25m and positive or nearly positive EBITDA/ cash flow.

We also launch new ventures in areas that excite us.

We have a broad range of interests, as demonstrated by our past investments, including:

  • Launch of various craft beer businesses in the UK and in Germany
  • Development of an innovative high-end manual coffee machine in Switzerland
  • Backing of a green energy storage technology in the UK
  • Investment into a provider of IT solutions for the life sciences sector in Germany
  • Investment into a provider of route planning software and GPS tracking systems in Germany
  • Investment into an alternative protein food producer for the pet sector in the USA
  • Launch of various e-commerce marketplace brand and service consolidation platforms
  • Investment into an SME insurance brokerage consolidation platform in Germany
  • Investment into a biotech business addressing age-related diseases in Austria